28th November -1st December 2024, in Narva & Narva-Jõesuu, Estonia

To explore and highlight the key issues for achiving sustainable and prosperous future of Europe by empowering inclusivity and equity in policy making, resilient communities and the urgent need for quality green jobs for all.


Green and Just Transition Conference 2024 is a three-day event (29th, 30th Novembera nd 1st December 204) that will include an intensive programme of high-level discussions, working groups, development of the civil society and international stakeholders appeal (declaration) to the international community. A one-day preparatory meeting and visits in Estonian Government Institutions and Estonian representation of the European Commission will be organised for the high level experts and invited speakers on the 27th and 28th November 2024 in Tallinn.

The geopolitical shock and the consequences following from the Russian invasion in Ukraine are also influencing security and democracy development in three key areas: environment, economy and digital colloboration. Its also increased global challanges in achiving green and just transition, conscious Nordic-Baltic security policies by becoming NATO members and global & regional influence on Mediterranean on economical and environmental security.  We will discuss the role of CSOs and different stakeholders in achieving sustainable peace and the importance of dialogue in healing divides to achive sustainble, green and just transition to adapt societies to new realities. Key security, sustainable and environmental policy issues will be discussed mostly from the perspective of the Euro-Mediterranean region, Northern and Eastern parts of Europe.

The conference is an opportunity to reaffirm the significance of the importance of the work of the European Union, Nordic Council and its member states for promoting sustainable future in the region and achieving a safer, greener, socially sustainable and digitally integrated community. The conference will connect regional networks of practitioners, distinguished policymakers, civil society organisations, analysts, politicians, military personnel representatives, academics, media and international donors from Europe and foreign actors of the Nordic-Baltic, Euro-Mediterranean regions and abroad.

At this conference, the Narva Declaration will be finalised and approved, together with local Citizens’ Action plans, which will be submitted to the European Commission, International Institutions, international and governmental organizations, media and various of thematic networks who is working on achievement of peace, security, democracy, rule of law and  support of CSOs in Build Resilient Societies.

The conference is co-organised by a consortium of international partners from Green Habito Network member countries.

The conference will be co-financed in amount of 30 000 EUR by the European Union through Estonian Development Fund. The conference is also supported (contently and/or financially) by the British Council, Nordic Council of Ministers office in Estonia, Estonian National Foundation of Civil Society and Green Habito network members.


The purpose of the “Green and Just Transition conference 2024″ is to bring together European and Estonian experts, interest groups, civil society networks and various parties to discuss challenges, share views and experiences on the topic of a just transition to the green transition. The conference will particularly focus on how to implement political promises and agreements, focusing on the implementation process and sharing lessons learned from achievements so far with both local and international guests.

The goals of the conference are to hold discussions on these three main topics, find solutions to problems, exchange good practices and prepare proposals for stakeholders and decision-makers. It is important to promote cooperation and create functional cooperation networks between youth, non-governmental organizations, entrepreneurs and state representatives, creating a platform for joint initiatives and projects that support the development of green technology and sustainable tourism and promote a just and sustainable transition. As a result of the conference, concrete proposals and cooperation initiatives are expected, which will contribute to the promotion of the green transition both locally and internationally.

Additional objectives include:

  • To explore how to use digital technologies to promote and engage communities and individuals to help achieve resilient society targeting environmental, sustainable approaches  and human rights protections;
  • To identify how UN SDGs may be implemented on a local and international level;
  • To share practical skills on how to utilise the existing international aspects of green and just transition, achiment of green deal, integration of green economy and digital instruments to improve security, energy and climate  policies, sustainability of society and develop better tools for good governance and dialogue withing regions.
  • To support further development of Green Habito network and empowerment of stakeholders, government representatives and other relevant organisations to implement the outputs of the Internaational conference and contribute to dialogue and peace process in Europe;

At the end of the conference, a declaration of the conference will be prepared with proposals for a specific solution for the civil society sector on how to cope and promote their work during the crisis.


The international event is open to all interested individuals, representatives from public, private and civil society sectors whose work is connected directly or indirectly with politics, civil society, media, security questions and the UN SDG-s. We welcome youth organisations, educational institutions, finance industry leaders, academics, researchers, legislators, planners and policy specialists in all relevant areas, representatives from International institutions, intergovernmental organisations, governments, ministries or departments, international donors, national and regional human rights organisations. For international participants a total of 120 places are available.


The programme will consist of plenary lectures and speeches, panel discussions, workshops, study visits, a round table and Working groups in World Café discussions formate involving all participants. Participants will be expected to share their experience – and emphasise to younger participants and CSOs their perspectives on the ‘art of the possible.’ They will also be expected to deliver targets and action ideas for implementation at local, national and international levels. The focus of the conerence will be dedicate on how to implement political promises and agreements, focusing on the implementation process and sharing lessons learned from achievements so far with both local and international guests. We will achive that by and spreading knowledge and outcomes to CSOs, research and political institutions, communities and individuals involved back in their home countries.

The main topics of conference in 2024:
1. Green and fair transition from policy to implementation.
2. Sustainable tourism and green technology entrepreneurship.
3. Climate Change and Energy crise
3. The role of civil society organizations as a catalyst for change in the green revolution
4. Presentation of the result of the project Capacity-building for Human rights based approach to the implementation and monitoring of SDGs.
5. Youth vision of agenda 2030 and it’s impact/spillover effect?

See the full programm here.


Narva is a border town with Russia, which has historically been under both Swedish and Russian rule. Narva is located in a socially and economically deprived area, which is populated by a Russian minority community. Narva, which is over 95% Russian-speaking, is the third-largest town in Estonia. Narva is also one of the easternmost points of the current European Union map.

The venue of the conference is mainly Vaba Lava Theatre Centre in Narva and conference Centre of Meresuu SPA & Hotel Confernce.

Vaba Lava (in English: free stage) is a popular place in the former military factory complex Baltiets that provide performing space for local theatre companies, and will also provide an opportunity to present guest performances by both Estonian repertoire theatres and independent companies as well as theatre and dance companies from Russia, Western Europe and Nordic countries. The new space will be also used for festivals, concerts, seminars, workshops, masterclasses etc.


All the delegates are accommodated in two hotels: Meresuu Spa & Hotel and Narva Hotel. The conference fee consists of accommodation in shared rooms. Private rooms are available on request and additional fee.


The working language is English and Arabic translations will be provided.

Health issues

This Conference is designed as a hybrid event with most participants attending in person but organisers will provide possobility to join virtually for interested experts and CSO representatives from Ukraine, Moldova, Euromed and Nordic-Baltic regions.


The delegates are invited to participate in Green and Just Transition Conference 2024  by submitting their applications.

If your application has been accepted, we request each delegate to confirm the participation in 7 days by sending a letter to or by phone +372 55602993.

More information, please write: Mr. Vassili Golikov –


Please join the Conference Facebook group here