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Agenda – Civil Society Ideas for SDGs

DEAFT PROGRAMME (not confirmed)

Green Habito Conference 2024 “Just and Green Transition”

Wednesday, 27th November 2024

The arrival of Officials and Speakers in Tallinn

Thursday, 28th November 2024
Arrivals and sightseeing’s in Tallinn

  • The arrival of Delegates
  • Registration to the Conference
  • 13.00 – 14.00 pm visiting Government institutions (Estonian Parliament and Government office) 
  • 14.00 – 16.00 Sightseeing tours in Tallinn for early arrivals
  • 17.30 – 19.00 Dinner in LIDO (Ulimiste Shopping Centre by the airport)
  • 19.00 pm Departure from Tallinn to Narva (joint bus/train) 
  • 22.00 – 22.40  (Meresuu Spa Hotell and Narva Hotel)
  • 22.40 – 23.00 Organising Committee meeting in Narva Hotel

DAY ONE. Friday, 29th November 2024
OFFICIAL CONFERENCE DAY at Vaba Lava Teathre Centre

09.00 – 10.00 Registration and coffee
10.00 – 11.15 Opening and keynote Speeches
Moderator of the Conference: Amb. Hatem Atallah
– Welcome speech by Estonian Minister of Climate / Regional development
– Welcome speech by Maria Gratschew, director of Nordic Council of Ministers´ Office in Estonia (TBC)
– Welcome and keynote speech by Vivian Loonela, Head of European Commission Representation in Estonia (TBC)
– Keynote speech by Janne Rajala, president of “Green Habito” European Civil Society Network  (Finland) – “The role of Civil society organisations in the monitoring and implementation just transition and empowerment of communities in achivment of the SDGs”
– Keynote speech by Ph D. Hafdís Hanna Ægisdóttir from the Sustainability Institute of University of Iceland –  “Measuring global spillover effects on green tranistion, production and consumption”

11.15 – 12.30 1st Panel discussion with Invited guests and participation of public *

“Key challenges in a making green and fair transition happening: from policy to implementation”.

Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to the European Union and to the world. To overcome these challenges, the European Green Deal is Europe’s new growth strategy, which will transform the Union into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy. The European Green Deal aims to make Europe climate neutral by 2050, boost the economy through green technology, create sustainable industry and transport, and cut pollution. Turning climate and environmental challenges into opportunities will make the transition just and inclusive for all. The European Commission helps EU Member States design and implement reforms that support the green transition and that contribute to achieving the goals of the European Green Deal. From this perspective, we will look at the implementation of the green transition agenda in the European Union as a whole and in the Member States in particular.

Moderator: Ms. Anneli Ohvril, Let`s Do it World Foundation (Estonia)


  • High level representative of the Nordic Council (TBC)
  • Representative of the European Commission’s Representation in Estonia (TBA)
  • Amb. Hatem Atallah (Tunisia)
  • Kaidi Tamm, Sustainable Development Programme Senior Expert, Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn (Estonia)
  • Representative of European Sustainable Development Network (TBA)

12.30 – 13.00 Working group

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch 

14.00 – 15.00 2nd Panel discussion with Invited guests and participation of public *

“Sutainable tourism, Culture and green entrepreneurship”

We will focus on empowerment of green business model innovation and fostering a circular tourism considering the sustainability of ecosystem services using innovative technologies and promoting the preservation of natural resources and cultural heritage. Integrating Green and intercultural business model in the tourism sector in example of Nordic-Baltic and Euro- Mediterranean regions.

Moderator: Michael G. Kavuklis, Coordinator in Chief of the Europe, Entrepreneurship & Sustainable Development Forum of Rhodes

  • Viktoría Alfreðsdóttir, project manager of Green by Iceland
  • Anis Boufrikha, president of We love Sousse, ALF Tunisia
  • Liisa Kokkarinen, Head of Sustainable Development,Visit Finland (TBC)
  • Imbi Lepik-Martinson,  Quality System Coordinator, Enterprise Estonia (TBC)
  • IVEK representative
  • Asta Sóllilja Guðmundsdóttir, Executive Director of KLAK Icelandic Startups

15.00 – 15.30 Working group

15.30 – 16.00 Coffee Time

16.00 – 17.00 3rd Panel discussion with Invited guests and participation of public *

“Mainstreaming human right approach more conscious Nordic-Baltic climate change and sustainability policies to become the world’s most sustainable and integrated region in 2030”.

The Nordic countries may well be at the forefront of efforts to achieve sustainable development and are successful in rankings for progress toward the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), but there is still a need to work together to address several challenges, in particular associated with ecological sustainability – the Nordic countries have particularly unsustainable patterns of production and consumption – and with climate change and the biodiversity crisis.

Moderator: Ph.D Mette Brogden, The University of Arizona (USA)

  • “Turning climate and environmental challenges into opportunities in example of Göteborg City”Tove Lund, Strategy Manager for Sustainable Living, The City of Göteborg
  • “How do we encourage just and efficient green transition in Iceland” –  Auður H. Ingólfsdóttir, Director of Climate and Circular Economy Department, Department for Climate and Circular Economy, The Environment Agency of Iceland (TBC)
  • “How Nordic Civil Society could contribute to achieve sustainable development by using human right approach in becoming the world’s most sustainable and integrated region in 2030” – Jenni Kauppila, Advocacy Work Officer of UNA Finland Association
  • “How to obtain longer product life time: The role of the repair movement and national and international regulations” “– Professor Michael Søgaard Jørgensen, Aalborg University (Denmark)

17.00 – 17.30 Working group

17.30 – 18.00 Conference concluding remarks  day I (Amb. Hatem Attallah, moderator)

19.00 – 21.00 Official Reception

Saturday, 30th November, 2024 (Panel discussions, workshops, study visits and networking day) in Meresuu Spa Hotel

09.00 – 9.15 Report Back & Discuss agreements & ideas from Friday’s sessions
Recruit volunteers to serve on Drafting Group of Network statement

09.15 – 10.30 4th Panel discussion with Invited guests and participation of public *

“The role of civil society organisations as catalysts for change in the green transition”

Moderator: Vassili Golikov, Programme director of Green Habito Network


  • Stefanos Vallianatos , Co-Founder of Fotoessa, Head of Greek Network of Anna Lindh Foundation (Greece) – “Greek experience in the field of culture and Creative Sectors driving the Green Transition”
  • Mayri Tiido, Founder and CEO of Lowmerism (Estonia) – “The role and Estonian Civil Society in partnership with bussiness and communities in planing, executing of green transition for a social, economical and enviromental change” 
  • Adel Albaghdadi, We Organisation (Netherlands) – “Dutch contributions and experience of vulnurable groups as actors in achiving green and just transition”
  • Laura Maria Rajala, coordinator of Femina RY (Finland) – “Finnish experience in catalyzing change in green transition and sustainable developinet in example of youth and women contributions”
  • Vala Karen Viðarsdóttir, Secretary-General of UNA Iceland  “Civil society participation in the Voluntary National Review of the Sustainable Development Goals of Iceland”

10.30 – 11.00 Working group

11.00 – 12.00 5th Panel discussion with Invited guests and participation of public *

Examining and transforming of current consumption patterns by integrating sustainable lifestyle

Moderator:  Rudolf Kasper Naruski, EU Youth Delegate, Estonian National Youth Council


  • Emma Sairanen, SITRA (Finland) TBC
  • Vivienne Bach, UNGORD (Norway)
  • Alejandra Adventure, Compass Denmark (Denmark)
  •  Ylva Sóley Thorsdottir Planman, Nordic Youth (Iceland)
  • Germany youth representative

12.00 – 12.15 Coffee break

12.15 – 13.15 6th Panel discussion with Invited guests and participation of public *

“Climate Change and Energy crises: Green Revolution still achievable by 2050? – Transforming global consumption patterns and investing in clean energy”

 As electricity prices surge on the back of dwindling gas supplies from Russia, calls are growing to bring relief to European households and businesses – some of which are being pushed to bankruptcy. The calls are being heard as EU energy ministers prepare to hold an extraordinary meeting to discuss the EU’s response to the crisis and of course to keep in agenda green revolution what EU agrees to achieve by 2050. Experts will provide own perspective on existing crises and update of EU energy and climate change policies. The Nordic countries are experiencing an unprecedented energy crisis. The situation varies from country to country, but everywhere a new concern has risen among citizens and industry: Can we be sure to get uninterrupted supply of energy?

Moderator: Ingrid Nielsen. renewable energy expert, Estonian Fund for Nature


  • Izabela Surwillo, Senior Researcher at Danish Institute for International Studies (Denmark, TBC)
  • Representative of Enefit Green TBA
  • Masha Lukyanchuk, World Energy Council (Belgium) TBC
  • Madis Tilga, Advisor to the Nordic Council office in Estonia
  • European Commission representative TBA

13.15 – 14.00 Workshops/ Working groups

  • “Integrating SDGs into strategies and practices: how to construct a change” – Anneli Ohvril, Lets do it World
  • “How do you know what’s cool about sustainable development?” – Saandra Jaanika, Fridays For Future Estonia
  • “Sustainability spillover effects of social, environment and economy: mapping global sustainable development in a systematic analysis” – German Morris, Peace Child Estonia
  • “Exchange of best practices by partners and practising them for reach communities”  – All partners representatives

12.15 – 14.00 Working in groups:

  • I Group: development of joint statement on Green and Just Transitions (by integrating circular economy and reducing overconsumption) 
  • II Group: development of proposal for policy-makers on more involvement of CSOs into achievement of SDGs;
  • III Group: development of joint initiatives / project plans between NGOs and other actors on local level to promote sustainable lifestyle and green innovative solutions for social transformation;

14.00 – 15.00 Lunch 

15.00 – 15.30 Presentation and networking of the results of workshops and working group (Presentation of joint statement draft and civil society project proposals for decision and policy makers on SDGs)

15.30 – 18.00 Study Visits and Networking (Fortaco, Enefit Green, Aquaphor, Mining museum, Narva College Tartu University) across the region.

19.00 – 20.00 Dinner and Free evening.

Sunday, 1st of December 2024 Conference results presentation and summary

09.00 – 09.30 Summary of the agreements – The conference Moderator & Working Group Rapporteurs

09.30– 10.00 Official Presentation and adoption of Conference Declaration on „ Empowering Sustainable Change Through Success of Green and Just Transition“

10.00 – 11.00 Conclusions and follow-up activities for 2025

11.00 – 11.30 Practical arrangements

11.30 – 13.00 Official closing in Meresuu Spa Hotel and reception

13.00 – 15.00 Driving to Narva Castle and Visiting Narva Museum and Narva City

15.00 Departure to Tallinn, Bus to the airport

18.00 – 20.00 Annual meeting of the network board in Tallinn, Hestia Hotel Europa.

*[Conference Format Note:  In order for all delegates and panelists to tease out the best ideas and strategies from every one of the delegates coming to this Conference, we are using in frame of working groups – the Round Table / World Café format.  This requires short (7-10 minute) presentations of key ideas and priorities by each of the 3-5 experts on the Panel discussion. Moderator could ask 1-2 questions to each panelist. Later on they then come down from the Platform (or they continue online conversation with Virtual participants) and join Working groups (a Round Tables (by joining direct conversation with all virtual participants) of delegates and spend up to 10-20 minutes listening / challenging / contributing / discussing responses to these ideas + other priorities and strategies advanced by audience members.  They then return to the Platform/Virtual scene and each expert reports back what they have learned from the participants and what concrete suggestions / recommendations they would offer the network statement. Each session has a moderator, experts, working group facilitators and repartuer.