Get to know about “Green and Just Tansition Conferene 2024” in Denmark, Iceland, Greece and Lithuania.

The organisational commette and head organiser is meeting with  Green Habito Network and EuroMed networks members in Nordic, Baltic and Euro-Medditerenian regions to promote an international confernce and present Estonia as a clean, safe, and tech-savvy country where your input is valued and all your out-of-the-box ideas truly cherished.  Please if you want to meet

Join us at International Conference “Green and Just transition 2024”, 28 Nov to 1. December 2024 in Narva

SSCW and Green Habito Network is kindly inviting interested organisations representatives and  experts to take part in the high level international Conference “Green and Just Transition 2024” – is a three-day event (29, 30th November and 1st December 2024) that will include an intensive programme of high-level discussions, working groups, development of the civil society