Join us at International Conference “Green and Just transition 2024”, 28 Nov to 1. December 2024 in Narva

SSCW and Green Habito Network is kindly inviting interested organisations representatives and  experts to take part in the high level international Conference “Green and Just Transition 2024” – is a three-day event (29, 30th November and 1st December 2024) that will include an intensive programme of high-level discussions, working groups, development of the civil society initiatives and which brings together a unique network of civil society, officials and business representatives, the purpose of which is to discuss the contribution of civil society and the promotion of cooperation with business and state sectors in meeting the goals of sustainable development and supporting  green & digital transition  and to raise civil society’s international capacity and awareness of sustainable lifestyles, environmental protection and the important topics of the green economy,  social insecurity, including about the circular economy and overconsumption.

Target group: annual meeting and conference  is open to all members of Green Habito Network,  interested individuals, representatives from public, private and civil society sectors whose work is connected directly or indirectly with sustainability politics, civil society and the UN SDG-s. We welcome environmental organisations, youth organisations, educational institutions, green industry leaders, academics, researchers, legislators, planners and policy specialists in all relevant areas tackling sustainability and green economy questions, representatives from International institutions, intergovernmental organisations, governments, ministries or departments, international donors, national and regional climate change organisations. For international participants a total of 120 places are available and for Estonia participants 30 places.

Conference themes:

  • Green and fair transition from policy to implementation.
  • Sustainable tourism and green technology entrepreneurship.
  • Climate Change and Energy crise
  • The role of civil society organizations as a catalyst for change in the green revolution
  • Presentation of the result of the project Capacity-building for Human rights based approach to the implementation and monitoring of SDGs.
  • Youth vision of agenda 2030 and it’s impact/spillover effect?

More about the conference you could find here:



At the end of the conference, a list of suggestions to decision makers  will be prepared with proposals for a specific solution for the government, business and civil society sector on how to cope and promote circular economy, secury social-economical measures for regions in time of transition period of green economy,  reduce overconsumption and integrate innovation solutions to achieve more sustainable living.

Within the framework of the key discussion, it is a good opportunity to get to know European, Nordic, Euro-Med and Estonia’s views on the challenges that exist in Europe and record Estonia’s contribution to achieving the goals of sustainable development, as well as learn about the circular economy, reducing overconsumption and green turn solutions to better serve civil society for the future of Europe and neighbouring regions.


The programme will consist of plenary lectures and speechespanel discussions, workshops, study visits, a round table and Working groups in World Café discussions formate involving all participants. Participants will be expected to share their experience – and emphasise to younger participants and CSOs their perspectives on the ‘art of the possible.’ They will also be expected to deliver targets and action ideas for implementation at local, national and international levels. The focus will be to contribute effectively to discuss sustainable solutions in achieving green goals in different regions, promote inclusive societies for sustainable development by spreading knowledge and outcomes to CSOs, research and political institutions, communities and individuals involved back in their home countries.


The delegates are invited to participate in the Network Conference “Green and Just Transition 2024”  by submitting their applications.( 

Participation is free of charge!

More information, please write: Mr. Vassili Golikov –, +372 55602993


The main conference days are 29 and 30th November 2024
All delegates need to arrive in Tallinn lates by 28th November at 17.00 pm in Tallinn airport.

Working language: English.
Translation on Arabic will be provided

We will be able to accept up four representatives from  organisation/institution.

The conference is supported by the European Union Cohesion Policy Fund  and others sponsors (the British Council, Nordic Council of Ministers office in Estonia, Estonian National Foundation of Civil Society) and Green Habito network members.